
The current labor market demands new qualities and knowledge from recent university graduates, including digital skills,and there is not enough research on the self-perception of students in this regard. Theobjectiveofthisstudywastomeasurestudent self-perception about their own 21st century digital skills related to the use of information and communication technologies (ICT) in Higher Education. A questionnaire was generated and applied to 356 students with the stratified random sampling technique. A principal component analysis was carried out, supported by adequate values of the Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin coefficient and the Bartlett sphericity test. The data indicate that students primarily use digital technology in academic projects and are quite skillful when using ICT for information management, to develop critical thinking and to solve problems, as well as to manage mobile devices. However, their self-perception in the use of ICT in teaching classes is low. The results suggest that the students do not believe that the use of ICT in the classroom is useful for developing this type of emerging digital skills. On the other hand, they think that carrying out academic projects does strengthen the acquisition and development of such skills in relation to the use of ICT.

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