Transdigital Education: Conceptual Cartography
Alexandro Escudero-Nahón
 Autonomous University of Queretaro, Mexico
The wide, pervasive, and transversal incorporation of digital technology into everyday processes of almost all people has been approached from a theoretical perspective called postdigital theory. This theory put forward the term postdigital education to describe some peculiar processes of the new highly digitized educational environments. However, postdigital education has not been able to generate categories of analysis to explain how these new educational processesare carried out. At the most, it has provoked philosophical and conceptual debates of some academic interest. Thedocumentary research method called conceptual cartography was conducted to identify the conceptual limitations of postdigital education and to elucidate which term would be more pertinent to address the new educational environments. Theresults suggest that the main conceptual limitation of the term postdigital education comes from modern and humanisticthought, which is the basis of pedagogy. Furthermore, the use of the prefix “post” is limiting because it refers to a linear viewof the history of education. The proposal is to use the term transdigital education because the prefix “trans” refers to thetransformation of education and not to the overcoming of an educational era.